Mobile Truck Repair

Commercial Tire Repair: Repair or Replace, What Should You Do?

Commercial tire repair is one of the many different services that our mechanic team here at Red Rover Service offers and today we want to talk about that service just a little bit. Specifically, we want to talk about whether you know when you should repair and when you should replace a tire on your commercial vehicle.

Commercial Tire Repair: Repair or Replace, What Should You Do?

When it comes to problems with your tires on your car, you sometimes have the option of whether you want to repair the existing tire or replace it with a new one. The question is, does the same principle apply to commercial vehicles? Should you ever repair existing tires with issues? Let’s take a look…

When Should You Repair a Car Tire?

Firstly, let’s take a quick look at car tires.

When is it okay to repair your car tire?

There are a few situations where a car tire can be fixed, these include

  • When a tire has been punctured in the tread area and the hole in the tire is no more than 1/4-inch long.
  • When a tire has multiple punctures in it that measure more than 16″ apart.

When Shouldn’t You Replace a Car Tire?

There are also situations where you should not repair a car tire, these include

  • If the sidewall or the shoulder of the tire have been compromised.
  • If a tire has been seriously damaged, for example, if the treads separate.

How Do Car Tire Rules Compare to commercial vehicle tires?

Commercial vehicle tires often need repairing on the go. Situations where you can repair a commercial vehicle tire on the go include

  • If the compromised section of the tire is in the crown portion of the tire tread and if that compromise measures 3/8 or less, a commercial vehicle tire can be repaired.
  • If the shoulder of the tire is compromised and the cut or puncture in question is 5/16 or less in diameter.

Conversely, there are also situations when a tire repair can not be done on the road. In these situations, the tire must be properly repaired by an experienced mechanic. Thes types of situations include:

  • If the damage to the tire is in the crown and has a diameter of more than 3/8-inch.
  • If the damage to the tire is in the shoulder of the tire and has a diameter of more than 5/16-inches.
  • If the damage to the tire is in the sidewall.

These repairs must be done by a professional commercial vehicle mechanic because they are much more complex.

Is There a Maximum Repairable Area on Commercial Tires?

Yes, but this number varies.

The maximum repairable area for a tire before that tire is discarded is dependent on the area where the tire has been compromised as well as the size of the tire. For example, a smaller tire with a 1″ gash is less likely repairable than a larger tire with the same sized cut.

What Shouldn’t You Do to Repair a Tire?

Knowing when to repair and when to replace is important, but so too is knowing how not to repair a tire.

Although certain actions are commonplace, your experienced team of commercial vehicle mechanics advises against the following methods of repairing a compromised tire

  • Do not patch or plug the hole in the tire and then continue driving as if your tire is as good as new. This is a stop-gap solution to get you to the mechanic.
  • Do not use a sealant to close up the compromised area of the tire as this will not keep the air in the tire for very long at all!

When Should You Replace Your Commercial Tires?

Sometimes tires must be replaced and not repaired. For commercial vehicles, it is recommended that tires be completely replaced every three to six years. This ensures that your tires are structurally sound and are less likely to experience problems while you are out on the road.

Are You In Need of Commercial Tire Repair Services?

If you find yourself in need of commercial tire repair services, Red Rover Service can help! Just give us a call today at 704-317-6161 and let us know how our team can help you and we’ll get right on it!


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