When you employ a company for roadside assistance for commercial vehicles, the chances are that you are facing an unexpected expense. At Red Rover Service, we understand that these kinds of unexpected expenses are always a slap in the face and they almost always crop up at a time when you can’t afford them. Still, many roadside assistance companies will take advantage of the opportunity to nickel and dime you to death with extra fees for this and that. At Red Rover, we don’t do that, we don’t do it because…well, simply put, it’s wrong! Just what are those other companies charging you for anyway?
Many roadside assistance companies charge what they call a “minimum charge” fee. What this means is that your business is only worth their time and you are only worth it to them as a customer, if you spend a specific amount of money on their services. If you fail to spend that amount, you can either pay an additional fee or you can find another company. We recommend finding another company that appreciates your business as much as they should!
In addition to “minimum charge fees” many businesses also tack on a “call-out fee”. Another reflection of just how little a company values your business, this fee is something you pay just to get a company to come out to you. This is before they even look at your vehicle! So you are paying for them to come to you to see whether your job is worth their time and if that job isn’t going to pay them enough, you are also going to have to pay for that minimum charge fee! Better still, if they come out to you and you pay the call-out fee and it’s a job they can’t tackle…you pay a minimum charge fee then too! So, by that time you have paid two fees and received absolutely no service…how’s that for a complete rip-off?
Mileage fees can occasionally be justified if a client is so far away that it will take a mechanic away from other customers for an extended period. Although this can be justified in some instances, at Red Rover Service, we don’t believe that you should have to cover the cost of our mileage. Our mileage is part of our overhead cost and if a customer is so far outside of our service area that a call would require mileage fees, we recommend them to a reputable business within their own area.
You may be asking yourself why we don’t charge these added fees. In fact, we’ve even had some clients suggest that we start charging them, particularly in the current economy. Our answer is always the same – we’re not here to just take your money. At Red Rover, we’re here to provide a service, and hopefully, by providing that service with integrity and by letting you know how valued you are, we can become a company that you return to any time that you have a need for mechanical work or roadside assistance. We want you to understand how valued you are as a customer and that we understand that our business depends on your business!
At Red Rover, we don’t just consider your importance to us as a client, we also keep in mind the importance of our own reputation. This means that we know how much our quality of service reflects on our company. This is why we strive to offer only the best caliber of service which includes:
If you are in the market for roadside assistance from a trustworthy company that understands the true meaning of hard work, put Red Rover Service in your telephone contacts. Our number is 704-317-6161 and we’re open 24/7 with live dispatch so you’ll always be able to get hold of us when you need us.
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